Felix: Man, I
can’t believe you fooled the evil queen!
Pan: Have you met
her? It’s not that difficult…

Felix: They put
me to work in the mines and it was terrible! The dwarves are sadistic

Pan: This well
will give me everything I Need to start the Dark Curse…

Pan: Which I
somehow gathered the ingredients to in a span of the walk here!

Pan: Remember how
it took Rumple centuries to gather and manipulate to get them all here?

Pan: Well
apparently he’s a chode in that department, it didn’t take me long at all!

Felix: How did
you know the well is magical?
Pan: I dunno.
Guess its in the book or something….

Rumpelstiltskin: Why
do I feel like I’m the tour guide for a field trip? Pan wants to cast the dark
curse…why aren’t you all scrambling to keep that from happening?

Rumpelstiltskin: He’d
probably do horrible things tome like make me wear thrift store clothes and
give me curly hair…we should really get started in stopping him…

Regina: So anyone
want to do the work? I gotta get my beauty rest…I need to stay ahead of all of
you in that department….

Rumpelstiltskin: Anyone
know who the Black Fairy is?

Regina: Is this a
mystery? because I never know who anyone is anymore…

Rumpelstiltskin: *Wonders
why he deals with these people*

Pan: This….don’t
know what it does. I don’t think I got a degree in potion making in Neverland
where I ran and played and flew all day…now all I need is a heart and I guess
yours is as good as it gets…

*Is daydreaming about
a hot girl he saw*

Pan: …are you
even listening to me?

Pan: Grr! If only
I wasn’t in such an unintimidating body!

Rumpelstiltskin: So
basically…stuff happens that doesn't amount to much in the long run and we need her wand….from the


Rumpelstiltskin: Well
don’t everyone run off at once…you guys are going to have to go do it, they
don’t like me. They think I keep blowing them up to steal their magic…

Felix: I’m making
it echo! Echo! *Makes echo noises*

Pan: FELIX! I’m
ripping your heart and killing you!

Felix: Because
you love me?! Wait…what? Then how come I never got the raise I was asking for for the past 299 years?

Pan: No you
idiot! I just tolerate you best!

Felix: What?!
This would end badly?!

Pan: Yuuuup, it’s
a good thing you didn’t listen to Henry’s little ramblings about the minion
never gets the glory that his evil overlord gets….because you would’ve seen
through this a lot faster…

Felix: Oh NOES!
B-but we didn’t even get my backstory!

Pan: We only have
eleven episodes to fit in one franchise and an epic story of memorable
characters! How did you think this was going to work!?

Felix: Owwww!
Pan: I don’t
believe your heart would be this spotless!
Felix: Because
it’s not mine! I’m saving it for a friend!

Felix: BLERGH!
Pan: Darn you,
well of sacrifice!

Henry: So…you
have Pan’s body can’t you just use that finding potion to track his soul down?

Rumpelstiltskin: That
is a very good question and the answer to that is…. ‘no’, we need a super
powerful fairy wand…

Regina: But
aren’t they useless? And that means one of us has to go look at Blue’s body.

Rumpelstiltskin: One
of you has to! I just told you that
they banned me after I kept setting them on fire!

Tinkerbell: As
they’re unelected new leader, I will answer the call! So will Bae and Hook!
Hook: I didn’t volunteer!

Tinkerbell: Eh….also
Charming. I just want to be surrounded by all the attractive guys if I die.
Emma, Regina, Snow: Say

Tinkerbell: Sorry

Rumpelstiltskin: That’s
okay, the alpha wolf walks alone…

Hook: Oh GOD, can
we just go?

Rumpelstiltskin: Try
not to fail so horribly everyone!

Snow: What if
this super bad plan doesn’t work?
Charming: I do
have to admit, there’s something shady about this whole affair, I think you
might be lying…

Blue: It will

Snow: And how do
you know? Do you have foresight?

Blue: No…but.
Um…I do have…Gepetto’s trustworthiness and the knowledge of trees to back it

Snow: *Narrows eyes* Charming’s
right, there’s something mighty suspicious about the whole thing…

Blue: Well it’s

Snow: Well, why can’t
we just teleport Regina into the wardrobe and send her over?

Blue: Well we

Snow: I am going
to be 28 years older than my husband when I get back. That is going to put a
kink in our sex life!

Charming: Oh no…I
didn’t even think about that…

Snow: Maybe we
could just stab her in the face…


Snow: *Gasp* Hope! I shall have it from this
moment forth!
Charming: Dial it
Snow: No! Hope
for the good of all things all the time!

Blue: I have
fairies to rule with an iron fist. I’ll see you guys later.

Snow: Well I have
hope that you’re going to be me my french-fry omlette that I’m craving all day!

Charming: Well I
have hope that that’s what the dwarves are for!

Snow: I’m not sure
that the glass mobile is something we should put above our daughter’s crib….

Charming: No,
it’s fine. Grumpy swore by it. He said that its’ fragile little glass can
withstand ANY curse that might whip it around and break everything else around

Snow: Will you
still love me when I’m no longer young and beautiful…?

Charming: I know
I will, I know I will, I know that I will…always find you.

Charming: Except
for the 28 years where I’m trapped…

Snow: *Mood ruined* That started out so
romantic too…

Emma: Hey guys, I
got bored of guarding Henry from Pan…what are you guys up to?

Emma: Oh hey,
that was mine, right/
Only if you pay!

Snow: Ignore him,
he’s grumpy.
Rumpelstiltskin: I
can’t believe I’m trusting all of you not to screw up while I sit here waiting!

Emma: I like it!

Snow: Isn’t it
amazing how this thing survived a curse that broke through the ceiling, the
fight with Cora and Regina, the failsafe, THE TIME ELLA MACED RUMPLE!
Rumpelstiltskin: I

Emma: Mm, those
were some good times. Especially the macing…
Rumpelstiltskin: *Grumbles*

Emma: So…we
couldn’t even have five minutes of character development before a new plot
kicked in…

Belle: It’s okay
Henry, the nice shop won’t hurt you…
Henry: I know…I’ve
been here before.
Regina: Rumple
and Belle were here for 24 hours, touch NOTHING, Henry…

Snow: Have all
the hope that we’ll be okay!

Emma: It’s worked
out great so far….

Rumpelstiltskin: Sorry
guys, I was writing in my diary. I knew where the spell was ten minutes ago. I
was just trying to look busy while I flipped the mattress over for obvious

Rumpelstiltskin: Ready
for agonizing pain, Henry?

*Audience cheers*

Fairy: Well….we
probably should’ve expected the funeral to turn out like this…

Tinkerbell: Hey!
Give us all your wands or Bae will do something drastic!
Baelfire: I really don’t want to do anything but forget all
this happened.
Tinkerbell: Mmhmm,
he’s going to mess you all up so good…

Fairy: Um…you’re
a reject and we’re having a FUNERAL

Tinkerbell: I’ll
take that as insubordination to my orders. Kill them, Baelfire…

*Is a shadow*

Everyone: OH

Shadow: Hey guys!
Let me in! You’re not supposed to turn ANYONE out of church!

Charming: *Is
absolutely terrified*

Baelfire: Coconut

Charming: Everybody RUN!

Hook: If you’re
not in the car by the time I start it, you’re on your own!
Charming: You
don’t drive!

Hook: I’ll hide
in here!
Charming: No! The
car- Fine! *Goes to hide with him*

*When writers are too
lazy to look up their own continuity*

Hook: This is
terrible! It’s been a very long time ago and I can’t find anything to kill the
Dark One!

Hook: I should’ve
known that coming to the place where my brother died and a manchild manipulated
both of us was a bad idea!

Smee: Not your
smartest move…

Hook: It…seemed
like a good idea at the time, okay?

Hook: Though now
it feels really stupid because I forgot that I don’t know how to get back…

Hook: Which is

Smee: Eeep!
Hook: Smee, if
you saw another body of my crew strung up and that’s the only reason why you screamed,
I swear….

Hook: Oh…oh yes…

Tinkerbell: Hey
Hook: Finally! A
lady voice! Can you put the knife down please? My hair doesn’t like being
tugged! *Eyes water*

Tinkerbell: Hi!
I’m Tink! I’m a pixie with no wings and no magic!

Hook: Wait a
second…if you have no magic then why did I lead everyone to you for help!? I
knew you were powerless already?
Tinkerbell: *Checks
out* Are you a captain in all the right places?

Hook: Want a
drink? IT’s probably centuries of backwash in it and I have no idea where I get
my supply but it’s passable…

Hook: *Cries because he just lost some precious

Hook: Aw..but you
drank all of it!

Hook: *Tries to get
some drops*

Tinkerbell: Want
to make out?

Hook: I always
want to make out.
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