Regina: Well this
is frustrating, we’re completely lost!
Emma: Almost wish
we grabbed a guy who actually knew his way around.
Snow: Men better
at us in directions! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Regina: Snow’s
cracking up…

Regina: Well,
that’s obviously a trap.
Emma: Hey, why
can’t you teleport it over here?

Snow: MINE!

Regina: Check
yourself before you wreck yourself……and us!

Snow: No! I want
to do something! And if it means grabbing a random box then so be it!

Emma: Mary
Regina: Grrr!

Emma: EEP!
Regina: Oh look,
a bird

Regina: AUGH! *Is smacked against the tree a couple of

Snow: That went
Emma: CGI vines!
Regina: My worst
foe! Except for you two…

Pan: Hi guys!
Welcome to the shame tree!

Emma: Oh no…he’s
going to talk us to death...

Pan: Okay, really
tis’ the regret tree which…I don’t know…I projected onto when I dumped Rumple
on the shadow for babysitting duties and he never brought him back or
something….don’t you feel shame anyway?

Snow: All the
Emma: Only when
the writing needs me to
Regina: I don’t
even UNDERSTAND that word.

Pan: Yeah, me

Pan: Want to

Regina: Grr face!

Regina: I am
bringing this back while the warranty is still good.
Adoption Agent: Uh….

Regina: He and
his mother are teaming up to take away my happiness!
Adoption Agent: I don’t think that’s happening….

Regina: Here is
my list of complaints about this establishment, let it be known that my lawyer
will be contacting you…

Adoption Agent: You’re
lawyer’s the one that set this up!

Regina: Oh
yeah…well…you will still hear from him…

Regina: Ah, I
feel good about this already!

Adoption Agent: Yeahhhhhh,
don’t you want some time to think about this?

Regina: I never want time to think!

Regina: *Cries*
He was supposed to make me happy!

Henry: So long,

Adoption Agent: Well…it
so happens that we’ve had a couple that have been sitting in the office for
weeks and not moving since you adopted him. I’m sure that we’ll just chuck out
the waiting list and give him to them….

Regina: *Doesn’t
care* Well happy day!

Regina: Well…so
long kiddo, it’s been nice knowing you…

Henry: *Waves*
See ya, wouldn’t want to be ya…especially when I grow up…

Regina: Okay
kiddo, you be good and don’t spit up on them too much…wait a minute, you’re not
with me. Spit up on them a lot…wait a minute! Why should you go to them and not
me! I had you first! *Is getting

Adoption Agent: Well…hand
him over…

Regina: ‘Hand him
over’ he says….um…nope…mine!

Regina: And you
trying to take my baby away from me! He deserves a mother that’ll isolate him
so much he runs off and doesn’t want ANYONE but me near him!

Adoption Agent: Oh…this
is worrisome.
Regina: See you!

Regina: Well
Henry, ready to go to the home I’ll never let you leave?
Adoption Agent: About
those home meetings….

Adoption Agent: Well,
the mother changed her mind…whoops…

Adoption Agent: If
you like, we have a variety of other babies that’ll sell like hotcakes that
aren’t legal to own…

John: I can’t
BELIEVE we had to play a couple!
Michael: And all
for nothing

John: We could
probably race down the stairs and tackle her before he leaves the elevator..
Michael: Now
there’s a plan!

John: If we only
knew what she looked like…
Michael: Grr!

Adoption Agent: I
take it that’s a ‘no’ then?

*Is monologuing about
how great he is and how they’re losers*

Emma: Look, can
you shut up? I mean people will be coming for us?
Snow: *zoned out an
hour ago*
Regina: What is
this shame?

Pan: I’m not done! *Continues talking*

Pan: Oh man…I’m
so great…holy crap…

Pan: If I could
check myself out right now, I’d be like “hey you, you won everything!

Regina: Hey!
That’s my sort of thinking!

Pan: I’m sorry,
who are you?

Pan: *Rattles the box around*

Regina: You stop
that! You’ll give little him a little headache!

Pan: *Rattles some

Emma: *Is worried*
Stop it! You monster!

Regina: Hey! Stop
tormenting them! It’s me that wants the attention!

Pan: I don’t…listen, your issues are like accessing the playground
at recess time, it’s too easy and already there and there’s no challenge.

Regina: What

Pan: *Voice breaks*
What issues?! Did you just say that?

Pan: Look lady, I
could lie down and make a snow pan in the amount of issues you have!

Pan: Hey Emma!
How about those abandonment issues and then you abandoned your son?!

Snow: RAWR *Is hulking out*
Regina: OOOOOO!

Pan: Oh crap, the
tree isn’t going to hold!

Pan: Um, just
like your parents abandoned you!

Regina: You still
have issues about that? “I” would be over it…and by over it, I mean either
killing them or making someone kill them.
Emma: I’m really
trying to ignore both of you…

Pan: *Doesn’t like being ignored*

Emma: *Is
ignoring* When’s dinner? I’m starving…

Pan: What about you,
peanut gallery? You got something you want to say?

Regina: Yeah, I
know that there are two people here and I’ve ripped one away from the other for
28 years and kept trying to kill them over petty jealousy and misplaced anger
but do I regret the real hurtful issues I’ve caused them? Noooope!

Regina: Ripping
their lives apart got me her kid that I unapologetically and maliciously
abused. It got me what I want so nope, I don’t feel any shame or any regret…in
fact...I feel so less about that that the meter in my regret and shame gas take
is running on empty!

Pan: Huh.

Regina: *Shrugs*
I’m sympathetic!

Regina: * Punches him
in the throat*

Regina: I got it!
Emma: You don’t
regret anything you did to us or Henry?
Regina: Shut up!
That’s not important!

Emma: How do we
know that’s Henry’s heart?

Regina: I don’t
know! But my psychotic tendencies saved the day! Yay!

Regina: What a
great message that sends!

Felix: I get
seasick! I’m just warning you!

Regina: Well! I
did it! They were all sorts of useless…

Charming: Ugh, he
was heavy, so I dragged him the ten miles…

Regina: Hope this
was his heart…

Charming: Shouldn’t
you be getting us out of here?!
Hook: But I wanna

Emma: Seriously
kid, I know you’re milking it…

Henry: Okay,
okay, I’m awake…

Charming: ZOMG
he’s alive!
Hook: Did you
guys leave Pan back there?

Regina: Hug me! *Is trying to inch him away from Emma*

Henry: I’m still
in so much pain…

Henry: Wait, I’m
still in my little body?!

Henry: why
couldn’t you guys take Pan’s heart out?

Snow: D’awww!
He’s still the same!

Archie: Why do I
keep coming back here to be abused?

Archie: Is this
your manipulations for bowling night so I’ll like you not want to beat you as
hard as we do? Because it won’t work…

Regina: *Plan failed*
I’m worried about his mother coming to take him away

Archie: I don’t
see why she would...the tourism in this area is like…nonexistent…and if it was

Regina: Not
really but wasn’t it cute trying to watch the writers make it so?

Archie: Maybe you
shouldn’t be so paranoid.

Regina: Maybe
you....I don’t know...I got nothing…

Henry: Take me

Regina: Also he

Archie: I

Archie: Well
maybe some gurgles…

Regina: Oh…

Archie: Are you
equipped for this?

Henry: Mwahahaha!

Regina: Totally!

Henry: Uh…lady,
what’re you doing?

Regina: I just
realized that this show told me a whole bunch of stuff that I’m not supposed to
know at all in an effort to explain how I came about you!

Regina: So we’re
going to do a reset button and make it look like it’s all about being noble.

Regina: I guess I
could just like...take you and leave and find happiness elsewhere but that
wouldn’t make you completely mine and I couldn’t have my revenge as long as I
get it…


Regina: So…I’m going to make myself forget and hope that whatever I silence in all this won’t resurface since magic is supposed to be different and I keep finding out over and over and over.

Regina: Cause
that would be awkward…

Regina: Man, hope
I don’t gaslight you and try to kill all your loved ones too…because that would
be even more awkward. Just imagine you trying to make friends after that.

Regina: Aw well!
I’m the only friend you need!

Regina: Ugh,
Shrek’s sweat...I hope you appreciate what I do for you in order for you to
make me happy, kid.

Regina: Well…as
long as you can’t think for yourself, I’m sure I’ll be a good mother…

Henry: Pffft!

Regina: I don’t
think I like that commentary…

Regina: And steam
to make it look cool! Hope this doesn’t poison me…

Regina: Well kid,
here’s to a whole episode of me adopting you which retcons most of the hints in
earlier episodes

Regina: *Schlorps it

Regina: Augh!
That’s terrible!

Regina: Hey
Henry! Ready to find out who your real mother is and what’s wrong with her

Regina: What am I
even doing down here?

Regina: Wheee!
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